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电话: 0562-5856677
姓名: Jessy
Tongling zhuocheng metal powder Co.,Ltd.

  ongling zhuocheng mental powder new material technology Co.,Ltd. is located in Tongling,Anhui,China with abundant raw material of copper, in the area of national grade economic development zone----Tongling economic technology development zone No.892,established in May 2005 with registered fund *域名隐藏* powder and alloy powder are new kind mental material ,widly applied in Friction Components,Carbon Brushes ,bearings, diamond products, ferrous metal, catalyst *域名隐藏* ry at *域名隐藏* are now own the ability to produce 1200ton/year,with annual revenue for more than CNY 90 million, we put advanced and special technology into practice to avoid the copper powder and alloy powder to b...

主要产品/业务: copper powdr,metal powder,fasteners

Tongling zhuocheng metal powder Co.,Ltd. / 安徽 / Tongling cuihu road 3 ( ) / 电话:0562-5856677

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